Edgar Gutiérrez Aiza

Edgar Gutiérrez Aiza

DPhil Student in Politics

University of Oxford


I am a second-year DPhil Student in Politics at Merton College and the Department of Politics and International Relations of the University of Oxford. I study the creation and variation in institutional design of independent non-majoritarian institutions, specifically Anti-Corruption Agencies (ACAs). What explains the adoption of ACAs? Why do they take particular institutional forms? What are the consequences of choosing one model over another? My dissertation project answers these questions using a mixed-methods research design. I am supervised by Dr. Ezequiel González-Ocantos.


  • Comparative Politics
  • Institutions
  • Corruption
  • Judicial Politics
  • Democracy
  • Latin American Politics


  • DPhil in Politics, 2020-

    University of Oxford

  • MSc in Politics Research, 2020

    University of Oxford

  • BA in Political Science, 2018

    Universidad Francisco Marroquín
